Root Canal Treatment in Farmington CT

A root canal (or endodontic treatment) is often the best way to save a tooth that has been damaged, infected or decayed. Root canal treatment does not involve the removal of the infected tooth. Instead, it removes the pulp, allowing the tooth to continue functioning normally without the pain or the original problem.

What is a root canal exactly?

Root canals involve the removal of soft tissue pulp, also known as enamel or dentin, that lies below the tooth's hard surfaces. This pulp is responsible for the development of tooth nerves and blood vessels.

Sometimes the pulp can become damaged by trauma, infection, decay or trauma. Sometimes a tooth might be misaligned. It must be removed if the soft tissue pulp becomes inflamed or infected. It can cause pain, swelling, and an abscess if it isn't treated.

Root Canal Treatment in Farmington CT

The Root Canal Procedure

If your dentist determines that you require a Root Canal Treatment in Farmington CT, the infected but not essential pulp will be removed to disinfect the area. The pulp will then be replaced by gutta-percha (a soft, safe and rubber-like material). Your tooth will be able to function again once the wound heals. The tooth will still receive nutrition from the surrounding tissues, even if the pulp is unaffected.

Root Canal Benefits

Root canals can improve the functionality and appearance of damaged or infected teeth. You should eat and chew as usual after an endodontic procedure. It is equally essential to save the tooth that has been damaged. This will help prevent unnecessary stress from the surrounding teeth.

What to Expect During a Root Canal

The endodontic treatment you require depends on the location of the problem tooth (anterior, posterior, or molar) and the severity of the injury, infection, or inflammation. A root canal treatment can usually be completed in just one to two visits.

Root Canal Retreatment

Sometimes, the root canal can become re-infected. If this happens, you will need a second root canal (called a root canal retreatment). This double procedure promotes healing by creating a healing environment.

How do you know if your tooth needs to be pulled?

Pain is the most obvious indicator that you may need root canal treatment. The area around a tooth that has been damaged or infected will swell and become red. It is possible to have difficulty chewing and biting. Sometimes, a fractured tooth can expose the nerve.

No matter what the reason, tooth pain is the most common sign that you need treatment. Ask your Best Dental Clinic Farmington CT, if you have any questions regarding root canal treatment. Your options will be explained in detail by your dentist.

What is the discomfort of a root canal procedure?

Root canals are often joked about, but they are pretty routine. Your Collins Road Family Dental dentist can discuss the procedure and any sedation options.

Contact us at (860) 589-4577 or make an appointment online.

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